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El Universo desde Buenos Aires

© 2020 by Diego Gravinese 

Una selección del trabajo astrofotográfico.

Todas estas fotos del espacio profundo fueron tomadas desde la terraza del estudio de Diego, en plena ciudad de Buenos Aires.

  1. Bongo in the Sky

    Dedicated to my beloved cat Bongo, who passed away on April 21st. This is Cat's Paw nebula, in Hubble palette. 24hs worht of data from bsAs city Telescope: SkyWatcher 200P - Camera: ZWO ASI1600MM-COOL Pro - Mount: SkyWatcher EQ6R-Pro - Guiding: ZWO OAG - Guiding camera: ZWO ASI183M - Filters: ZWO Ha 1.25" 7nm,  ZWO SII 1.25" 7 nm,  ZWO OIII 1.25" 7nm Date: May, 1 to 18, 2019 Integration: 24 hours From: Buenos Aires City Imaging camera:ZWO ASI1600MM-COOL Pro

  2. Gabriela and her Gems in Hubble colores.

    A diptych of the Gabriela Mistral nebula region, with part of Carina on the left and the Gems to the right. In loving memory of my beloved cat Bongo, who passed away a few hours after I campleted her. Telescope: SkyWatcher 200P - Camera: ZWO ASI1600MM-COOL Pro - Mount: SkyWatcher EQ6R-Pro - Guiding: ZWO OAG - Guiding camera: ZWO ASI183M - Filters: ZWO Ha 1.25" 7nm,  ZWO SII 1.25" 7 nm,  ZWO OIII 1.25" 7nm Date: April, 3 to 9, 2019 Integration: 32 hours From: Buenos Aires City Imaging camera:ZWO ASI1600MM-COOL Pro

  3.  Helix Nebula

    This most extraordinary planetary nebula is 600 light years from Earth. Imaged here in narrowband colors. Telescope: SkyWatcher 200P - Camera: ZWO ASI1600MM-COOL Pro - Mount: SkyWatcher EQ6R-Pro - Guiding: ZWO OAG - Guiding camera: ZWO ASI183M - Filters: ZWO Ha 1.25" 7nm,  ZWO SII 1.25" 7 nm,  ZWO OIII 1.25" 7nm Date: Aug. 23, 2019 Integration: 17.5 hours From: Buenos Aires City

  4. Blue Helmet

    Thor's Helmet Nebula Emission nebula in the constellation Canis Major Distance to Earth: 11,970 light years Telescope: SkyWatcher 200P - Camera: ZWO ASI1600MM-COOL Pro - Mount: SkyWatcher EQ6R-Pro - Guiding: ZWO OAG - Guiding camera: ZWO ASI183M - Filters: ZWO Ha 1.25" 7nm,  ZWO SII 1.25" 7 nm,  ZWO OIII 1.25" 7nm Date: Jan. 30, 2020 Integration: 21.0 hours From: Buenos Aires City

  5. A high-res diptych of Carina

    This a diptych acquired over 6 nights of the center of the amazing Carina Nebula, one of the giants of the souther hemisphere. Seeing here in colors of the Hubble palette. Telescope: SkyWatcher 200P - Camera: ZWO ASI1600MM-COOL Pro - Mount: SkyWatcher EQ6R-Pro - Guiding: ZWO OAG - Guiding camera: ZWO ASI183M - Filters: ZWO Ha 1.25" 7nm,  ZWO SII 1.25" 7 nm,  ZWO OIII 1.25" 7nm Date: April, 3 to 9, 2019 Integration: 31.5 hours From: Buenos Aires City Imaging camera:ZWO ASI1600MM-COOL Pro

  6. Cat Paw's Nebula

    Emission nebula in the Scoprio constellation, 5500 light years from Earth. Image in narrowband colors, Hublle palette Telescope: SkyWatcher 200P - Camera: ZWO ASI1600MM-COOL Pro - Mount: SkyWatcher EQ6R-Pro - Guiding: ZWO OAG - Guiding camera: ZWO ASI183M - Filters: ZWO Ha 1.25" 7nm,  ZWO SII 1.25" 7 nm,  ZWO OIII 1.25" 7nm Date: May 12, 2019 Integration: 17.4 hours From: Buenos Aires City

  7. Flame and Horsehead

    A very iconic place in the sky. A combination of dark and emission nebulae, 1400 light years from Earth. In the Orion constellation. (2 panels mosaic) Telescope: SkyWatcher 200P - Camera: ZWO ASI1600MM-COOL Pro - Mount: SkyWatcher EQ6R-Pro - Guiding: ZWO OAG - Guiding camera: ZWO ASI183M - Filters: ZWO Ha 1.25" 7nm,  ZWO SII 1.25" 7 nm,  ZWO OIII 1.25" 7nm Date: Dec. 22, 2019 Integration: 27.0 hours From: Buenos Aires City

  8. Statue of Liberty Nebula

    NGC 3576 is a minor nebula in the Sagittarius arm of our galaxy. I prefer to call her the Southern Surfing Lady Telescope: SkyWatcher 200P - Camera: ZWO ASI1600MM-COOL Pro - Mount: SkyWatcher EQ6R-Pro - Guiding: ZWO OAG - Guiding camera: ZWO ASI183M - Filters: ZWO Ha 1.25" 7nm,  ZWO SII 1.25" 7 nm,  ZWO OIII 1.25" 7nm Dates:Feb. 13, 2019 Integration: 9.5 hours From: Buenos Aires City

  9. Great Orion Nebula

    The only nebula we can see with our naked eye. Venerated through the ages, a wonder of the night sky. The Orion Nebula is a diffuse nebula sitaued only 1600 light years away from us. Telescope: SkyWatcher 200P - Camera: ZWO ASI1600MM-COOL Pro - Mount: SkyWatcher EQ6R-Pro - Guiding: ZWO OAG - Guiding camera: ZWO ASI183M - Filters: ZWO Ha 1.25" 7nm,  ZWO SII 1.25" 7 nm,  ZWO OIII 1.25" 7nm Dates:Nov. 6, 2019, Nov. 16, 2019 Integration: 6.8 hours From: Buenos Aires City

  10. Pillars of Creation

    My dreamed picture ever since i saw the iconic pillars in the super famous Hubble photo from 1995. This is my rendition using the same palette as the original. Telescope: SkyWatcher 200P - Camera: ZWO ASI1600MM-COOL Pro - Mount: SkyWatcher EQ6R-Pro - Guiding: ZWO OAG - Guiding camera: ZWO ASI183M - Filters: ZWO Ha 1.25" 7nm,  ZWO SII 1.25" 7 nm,  ZWO OIII 1.25" 7nm Dates:May 24, 2019 Integration: 12.5 hours From: Buenos Aires City

  11. Dynamic Heart of the Rosette

    This is the center of the Rosette Nebula, a real star nursery some 5200 light years from us in the constellation Monoceros. You can see the Bok globules, (dark clouds) were new stars are forming. Telescope: SkyWatcher 200P - Camera: ZWO ASI1600MM-COOL Pro - Mount: SkyWatcher EQ6R-Pro - Guiding: ZWO OAG - Guiding camera: ZWO ASI183M - Filters: ZWO Ha 1.25" 7nm,  ZWO SII 1.25" 7 nm,  ZWO OIII 1.25" 7nm Dates:Jan. 16, 2020 Integration: 16.5 hours From: Buenos Aires City

  12. Starless Running Chicken

    The stars were removed from this photo to reveal only the nebulosity. IC 2944 is an open cluster with an associated emission nebula found in the constellation Centaurus. Telescope: SkyWatcher 200P - Camera: ZWO ASI1600MM-COOL Pro - Mount: SkyWatcher EQ6R-Pro - Guiding: ZWO OAG - Guiding camera: ZWO ASI183M - Filters: ZWO Ha 1.25" 7nm,  ZWO SII 1.25" 7 nm,  ZWO OIII 1.25" 7nm Integration: 4.0 hours From: Buenos Aires City

  13. Lagoon Nebula

    The laregest emission nebula in the sky, in the Saggitarius contellation. Bicolor palette (Hydrogen and Oxygen) Telescope: SkyWatcher 200P - Camera: ZWO ASI1600MM-COOL Pro - Mount: SkyWatcher EQ6R-Pro - Guiding: ZWO OAG - Guiding camera: ZWO ASI183M - Filters: ZWO Ha 1.25" 7nm,  ZWO SII 1.25" 7 nm,  ZWO OIII 1.25" 7nm Dates:July 7, 2019 Integration: 10.0 hours From: Buenos Aires City

  14. Eagle Nebula

    The Pillars of Creation reside right in the middle of this region, here in all its extended glory. 7000 light years away from us. Telescope: SkyWatcher 200P - Camera: ZWO ASI1600MM-COOL Pro - Mount: SkyWatcher EQ6R-Pro - Guiding: ZWO OAG - Guiding camera: ZWO ASI183M - Filters: ZWO Ha 1.25" 7nm,  ZWO SII 1.25" 7 nm,  ZWO OIII 1.25" 7nm Dates:May 24, 2019 integration: 12.5 hours From: Buenos Aires City

  15. Tarantula Nebula

    This gigantic and caothic nebula is the only one in the series that's not located in our own galaxy, but in one of its satellites galaxies: The Large Magellanic Cloud. it's 160.000 light years from teh Solar System. Telescope: SkyWatcher 200P - Camera: ZWO ASI1600MM-COOL Pro - Mount: SkyWatcher EQ6R-Pro - Guiding: ZWO OAG - Guiding camera: ZWO ASI183M - Filters: ZWO Ha 1.25" 7nm,  ZWO SII 1.25" 7 nm,  ZWO OIII 1.25" 7nm Date: March 6, 2019 Integration: 7.0 hours From: Buenos Aires City

  16. Carina nebula

    One of the largest nebula in the sky, teh southern gem of Carina nebula, a complex region of bright and dark nebulae. 8000 light years from us, in the Saggitarius arm of the Milky Way. Telescope: SkyWatcher 200P - Camera: ZWO ASI1600MM-COOL Pro - Mount: SkyWatcher EQ6R-Pro - Guiding: ZWO OAG - Guiding camera: ZWO ASI183M - Filters: ZWO Ha 1.25" 7nm,  ZWO SII 1.25" 7 nm,  ZWO OIII 1.25" 7nm Dates:April 15, 2019 Integration: 7.5 hours From: Buenos Aires City

  17. Prawn Nebula

    IC 4628, is an emission nebula located in the Sagittarius Arm of the Milky Way, in the cosntallation Scorpius. Imaging telescope: SkyWatcher 200P Imaging camera: ZWO ASI1600MM-COOL Pro Mount: Sky-Watcher EQ6R-Pro Guiding telescope: ZWO OAG Guiding camera: ZWO ASI183MM Filters: ZWO Ha 1.25" 7nm,  ZWO SII 1.25" 7 nm,  ZWO OIII 1.25" 7nm Dates:April 8, 2019 Integration: 11.0 hours From: Buenos Aires City

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